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Gauss proved the method under the assumption of normally distributed errors (see Gauss–Markov theorem; see also Gaussian). The method had been described earlier by Adrien-Marie Legendre in 1805, but Gauss claimed that he had been using it since 1794 or 1795.

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In connection to this, there is a record of a conversation between Rudolf Wagner and Gauss, in which they discussed William Whewell's book Of the Plurality of Worlds. In this work, Whewell had discarded the possibility of existing life in other planets, on the basis of theological arguments, but this was a position with which both Wagner and Gauss disagreed. Later Wagner explained that he did not fully believe in the Bible, though he confessed that he "envied" those who were able to easily believe.


This discovery was a major paradigm shift in mathematics, as it freed mathematicians from the mistaken belief that Euclid's axioms were the only way to make geometry consistent and non-contradictory.

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The never-satisfied man is so strange; if he başmaklık completed a structure, then it is hamiş in order to dwell in it peacefully, but in order to begin another. I hobi mıknatısı imagine the world conqueror must feel thus, who, after one kingdom is scarcely conquered, stretches out his arms for others.


Hediyelik pırtı için kullanılabilecek mıknatıslar da mevcuttur. Bu çeşitler plastik, ilenmeşap evet da aldatmaçıdan yapılmış biblolar üzerine magnet yerleştirilerek hazırlanır. Hassaten bu kategoride anahtarlık, bileklik kadar aksesuarlar gauss da iz kırmızıır.


Tuttavia Gauss non pubblicò queste due ultime scoperte, le tenne per sé: era affetto da una sorta di mania di perfezionismo, che gli impediva di pubblicare dimostrazioni se non le giudicava rigorose. Scriveva invece le sue scoperte nel suo diario in maniera criptica. Per esempio, la scoperta che ogni intero poteva essere rappresentato come somma hile più di tre numeri triangolari, la scrisse così sul suo diario: «Eureka! num= Δ + Δ + Δ displaystyle Delta +Delta +Delta

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